When the wealthy and the powerful need an enemy eliminated quietly and without fail, they call upon the wraith. These shadowy killers are masters of infiltration, sabotage, and assassination, using a wide variety of weapons, practiced skills, and almost magical powers to achieve their goals. Wraiths are experts at all means of evading detection, and quick-witted when it comes to improvisation. They approach enemies in combat with the intent of ending it quickly and decisively. They know how to reach their targets through a variety of ways and disappear after they get rid of their prey. A wraith feels at home in the darkness, shadows, and otherwise “sketchy” environments. Wraiths may serve the imperium or private interests, or sell their services to the highest bidder with no thought to long-term loyalty. Only a handful are ever actually caught and sent to prison, and even fewer actually can be kept in the walls.
The wraith is ideal when it is essential to dispatch enemies quickly. Given the right conditions, his damage can be ridiculously high, and if things do not go as planned, he can escape the battlefield unseen and unscathed.

You have advantage against any creature that hasn’t taken it’s turn yet in this combat.
Class level 1
1. – Sneak Attack (5 FP, unrestricted)
Once per turn, you can deal extra d6 damage to one creature. The number of d6 rolled equals your Class level. You must either have advantage on the roll or there must be another enemy of that creature within Close range, that creature’s enemy is not incapacitated, and you do not have disadvantage. The attack must be made with a weapon that has either the light or long range property.
Class level 2
2. – Cunning Action (11 FP, unrestricted)
You can take a third cunning action in combat (in addition to the regular action and bonus action). This action can only be used to take the Dash, Disengage or Hide actions.
Class level 3
3. – Swift Dodge (9 FP, restricted – time)
When an attacker you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by 3x your Dexterity (minimum of 0 damage). You can do this once per minute.
Class level 5
4. – Supreme Sneak (10 FP, unrestricted)
You have advantage on Hide checks if you move no more than half your movement on that turn.
5. – Evasion (15 FP, unrestricted)
Whenever you are making a Saving (Dexterity) throw, you take only half damage on a failure and no damage on a success.
Class level 7
6. – Skillful (15 FP, unrestricted)
Whenever you make an Ability check to which you can apply one of your skills or knowledges you have, add +4 to that roll instead of the usual +2.
7. – Blindsense (20 FP, unrestricted)
If your hearing is not impaired (aka you are not deafened), you have blindsight within close range of you.
Class level 9
8. – Shadow’s Reflexes (15 FP, unrestricted)
You get a +15 bonus to your first initiative roll of any combat.
9. – Elusive (10 FP, unrestricted)
No Attack roll can have advantage against you if you are not incapacitated or your movement is not reduced to 0.