Pravian Imperium

15th Staff Meeting Responses

Server Suggestions

Make the disable politics and debate role hide the politics-or-debate-forum

Pinning the old FRS somewhere in here should still just generally be a good idea, right?

Game Forum?
For the time being, we see no reason to add one. The current #games-only channel seems to be sufficient right now.

Maybe have rp-suggestions use the same system as server-suggestions?
Will be done.

Ban all horny quoting
It is already banned.

Allow admins and mods to view Audit logs. This would allow other mods to check for admin abuse.

Add an education forum in politics-or-debate to still have it for the few people who are interested.
Education-channels have been attempted many times before and it always died eventually. We don’t see much reason for another attempt.

Fix the phrasing of the second guideline in the P&D forum to something more neutral/ambiguous than “he”.

Making it so nitro boosters can use stickers alongside emote perms.

Add a News or Current Events channel for posts or links that pertain to news, but not politics.
It doesn’t seem to be entirely necessary to add something like that. #politics-or-debate should be enough to post links/news and discuss them.

There should be a venting channel, so that people can feel secure in talking about their problems.
This has been suggested before. Short answer: No.
Long answer: Quote from meeting #8.
Seek Professionals for Emotional Help, Not Us. If you need to talk to someone about personal issues or you need to vent, this is not the place to do it. You should talk to someone in person or seek help from a professional instead. When you use this server to vent or discuss personal issues, you can bring everyone around you down too.

Make it a bit clearer that you need the free stuff role to get access to the free stuff channel.
The #free-stuff channel is now openly visible like every other as well. The role now merely allows you to receive the notification for a ping.

Server stickers. Something custom made saying Hail Pravus or something and some with Methos with cat ears.
Same as with custom emojis: You want them? Provide us with them yourself.
Methos with cat ears though? No. If you are going to troll the staff, please put some effort into it.

With the server having over 4K members. Wouldn’t it be time to apply for Discord Partner?
Being a Discord Partner does very little in extra-options, but would require us to meet certain minimum standards, including – but not limited to – not allowing swearing.
So we’d get very little in exchange for having to tighten up some rules even more.

I think it’d be better if when the pravbot kicks in to say “praise be” that there be like fireworks or a gif that goes with it you know.
If you can provide us with that gif/animation, we might consider it.

Emotes and Stickers. It feels a tad excessive to force boosting for the sake of using out-of-server emotes. Perhaps it should be changed to allow stickers, instead of emotes, and make emotes accessible to all? Paying for nitro doesn’t inherently provide boosts. Not everybody can (or necessarily will) purchase boosts at an additional cost. As for concerns of “security”, do note that gifs have much higher quality capacity and anybody could just add an emote to Tenor then spam it through there. Gifs aren’t restricted. There’s no reason to restrict emotes if gifs are unrestricted.
Discord by default requires one to have nitro in order to use animated emoji/stickers. That’s a hard requirement no one can circumvent, not even us.
And we do not see any need to change what little we can change there. Using out-of-server emotes and stickers is your choice alone and not something you’re entitled to.