14th Staff Meeting Responses
Server Suggestions
Add a – or something to differentiate staff responses from suggestions on the site
* Will be done going forward.
Make sure people know that alts aren’t allowed in #rules-tutorial
* It has been clarified.
Make @ RP-Updates inaccessible to the common man
* It already is.
Actually: fix the pingability of most if not all roles. My phone is telling me that I can ping most roles there are, though it might be lying to me, but I dont want to risk Angles wrath trying it out
* The pingability of roles is working as intended.
Make this a emoji
* No, it does not fit the server.
Rename @ Pravus updates to @video updates or smtn so pravus doesnt get needlessly pinged every once in a while
* Pravus has not been pinged in that channel for years. We do not see it as an issue.
Make this a emoji?
* No, it does not fit the server.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ7LsFKaw84 make it so dyno automatically reacts with a plus arrow and a down arrow. Here is a tutorial on how to do it. It doesnt require any change to the code. You can set it up so it only reacts to certain roles like everyone but FC and only does it in #server-suggestions
* People are free to react with whatever emoji they want on the messages, as long as it is within the rules.
Add a response for “Pet Gimli” Maybe “pets be” or something else
* It responds with “Bark Bark”
Also need dyno to respond to Pay Pravus with :moneybag:
* :moneybag:
Just as a matter of practicality, revert the change of putting the patron roles above the HP and AP roles since it’d be more useful to know when certian HP/AP people are online at a glance than to know when the patrons are online since for the vast majority of server members don’t have access to the patron chats (and even then, those chats are filtered to be patron exclusive, so its unnecessary to put them over earned level roles on the rest server) where I suspect alot of the patrons may be active (if they’re active at all).
Also; The person that wanted the patron roles to be above the hp/ap roles (Mathig) left the server, so it’d be nice to reward activity by being above the patron roles.
Or place praetors and other high ranking patrons be higher as part of bragging rights and have the other patrons be below
Alternatively, make patron ranks higher but do not appear separately, that way the name is colored
* We concluded that the patrons deserve their spot up there. If you want to know who is online, you can always scroll down a bit.
or… depose pravus and put a bot there, just for fun
* Heresy. Banned.
Have a best pet competition. 1 picture of their pet per applicant. There is no prize beyond a role.
* We will see about hosting another competition after the current fanfic contest is concluded.
Region roles?
Or time zone roles in UTC+/- format
* We do not see a reason for those.
I know other people have said it before, but 2 politics and debate chats.
* Now exist.
Make both #politics-or-debate and #politics-or-debate-2 follow the same slow mode? Also, 30 seconds is a bit much, as many people tend to type out in multiple messages rather than one big wall of text – Walls of text, I believe, technically being considered bad anyway. There’s an option for 10 seconds! A good balance between thinking it through and being able to respond to things without waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiting!
* Both now have a 15 second timeout.
loosen the ban on politics outside the debate channels people getting slapped for natural segues of conversation is a bit much in my humble opinion, especially when its only a slight bit of politics
* The ban is set well enough.
put modmail bot higher up on the right side list so its more visible, its hard to navigate given the total amount of people in the server and the amount of people above the bot section
* The bots have been all moved to sit below the knights.
And also @ em at the top of rules-tutorial
* Modmail is now mentioned in #rules-tutorial
Make it so that normal users can’t ping Nitro Booster. I have many times almost ping a boatload of people while trying to ping someone else.
* They should not be able to, unless Discord decides to bend spacetime again.
Update the #reaction-roles page so it tells you about VC-ping
* Done.
Add a starboard. It would go well with the funny shit we sent.
* #quotes
If it can be easily done, stop the PravBot pick appearances in #politics-or-debate and #politics-or-debate-2. The slow mode makes it nearly impossible for any non-staff to grab them AND utilise the channel as intended. It makes for either what’s effectively a staff biased farming channel or a slowdown of debate.
* Drops have been disabled.
Delete #memes
* No.
Edit #rules-tutorial so that advertising pravus is allowed What the fuck is this heresy, we can’t advertise our Lord and Savior on his server ?
* Actually, it’s heathenism.
Get rid of the slow mode in politics and debate. How else am I supposed to gain levels? Talk to my fellow human being in general? Don’t be ridiculous.
* I’m afraid you will have to talk in #general.
Re-open the birthday channel so we can wish the Lord happy birthday
* It was open for the duration of the lord’s birthday.
Give out the long overdue nitro booster bonus?
* It had been given out.
Fix the pinned rules in the rp channels, they don’t take you anywhere.
* Fixed.
Animated server pfp?
* Are you willing to make one?
Add to foodposting that the food should be appetizing.
* Has been added to the description of the channel.
Add a meme disgussion thread to memes to stop the disgussion in the channel itself
* We have channels for discussing. They’re called #general and #politics-or-debate.
Come to terms with the fact that not every announcement has to be paired with an everyone ping, so that minor announcements can come more often and help keep people in the loop – After all, those who truly care will likely check the channel even without a ping.
* It ain’t an announcement if it got no ping. Just doesn’t feel the same.
How about include entertainment tag in the forum channel so people can discuss media (shows, movies etc.) without giving spoiler to the rest of the chat?
* Done.